During Winter Reserve 'N Ski parking reservations are required for roadside parking on weekends (Fri - Sun) and holidays, from ¼ mile above Willow Heights Trailhead to the Guardsman Road intersection on SR 190 in Big Cottonwood Canyon, from 7 am - 1 pm or 6 am for early morning.
For roadside reservations map CLICK HERE.
For early morning reservations map CLICK HERE.
Reserve 'N Ski parking reservations are required Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and during holiday periods beginning December 21. Holiday periods include:
Daily from December 21 through January 5 (NOT CHRISTMAS DAY)
Monday, January 20
Monday, February 17
There is no overnight parking permitted roadside in Big Cottonwood Canyon from 12 am – 7 am (exception for 20 early morning parking reservations starting at 6 am).
Parking is permitted in designated reservation zones only.
Must adhere to no parking areas on signage within this zone.
Vehicle tires must be parked completely to the right of the white line.
You will receive a violation if you are parked in the roads drive lane even with a valid parking reservation.
CLICK HERE to see the NO PARKING areas.
Please note:
Reservation does not guarantee a specific area or spot for roadside parking. Your reservation is valid within the entire reservation zone and you will have a spot held within that zone until 1 pm.
Roadside parking reservations are not valid in the Brighton Resort and Solitude Mountain Resort parking lots. If roadside parking becomes unavailable due to snow, reservations will be refunded.
Additional inventory will be released the evening before and morning of a reservation date to ensure roadside parking will be available due to snow removal.
Do I need a roadside parking reservation for Big Cottonwood Canyon?Reserve 'N Ski parking reservations are required on weekends (Fri-Sun) and holiday periods from 7 am until 1 pm, 6 am for early morning reservations, starting December 21. Holiday periods include: Daily from December 21 through January 5 (NOT CHRISTMAS DAY) Monday, January 20 Monday, February 17
How do I make a parking reservations?Coming soon you will be able to make Reserve 'N Ski parking reservations for roadside in Big Cottonwood Canyon and early morning reservations through our online reservation system.
When are Reserve 'N Ski parking reservations required?Reserve 'N Ski parking reservations are required Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and during holiday periods starting December 21. Holiday periods include: Daily from December 21 through January 5 (NOT CHRISTMAS DAY) Monday, January 20 Monday, February 17 Reservations are required for any vehicles parking in Big Cottonwood Canyon from 7 am until 1 pm and early morning starting at 6 am. Vehicles can NOT park overnight in Big Cottonwood Canyon from 12 am until 6 am.
Where are Reserve 'N Ski parking reservations required?Reserve 'N Ski parking reservations are required every day for roadside parking from ¼ mile above Willow Heights Trailhead to the Guardsman Road intersection on SR 190 in Big Cottonwood Canyon. CLICK HERE for map.
How is my parking reservation held?Parking reservations are held through your license plate. Up to 2 plates can be stored per guest profile.
How are Reserve 'N Ski parking reservations verified once I have parked?Reservations are verified via license plate to ensure we don’t reduce the flow of traffic – no need to stop at a kiosk!
How much does a parking reservation cost?Reserve 'N Ski parking reservations for BCC and early morning are $10. No parking reservation is required, and parking is free after 1 pm.
What happens if I park without a reservation?Parking without a reservation between the hours of 7am and 1pm (6am for early morning) will result in a minimum violation of $125. Parking between the hours of 12am and 6am may also incur a violation fee. Violations are issued by the Canyons Police Department if you are parked in the roads drive lane, or outside the white lines, even with a valid parking reservation.
Are parking reservations refundable if impacted by the weather?If the canyon closes due to weather, refunds can be issued, and you will not be penalized for a no-show.
Can I cancel my reservation once made?Reservations are non-refundable but CAN be cancelled until 7 am the morning of. Failure to cancel may result in a fine. Exceptions can be made for illnesses or emergencies on a case-by-case basis.
What if I am driving a rental vehicle or don't yet have license plate information for the car I will be using?If you don’t know what your vehicle’s license plate information will be, enter your personal vehicle's license plate number to make your reservation. Upon picking up your rental car, please log into your account to update your plate number on your reservation. If in doubt, check with one of our Parking Ambassadors. The parking system operates off of license plate numbers.
I accidentally parked with a different vehicle; how can I request a refund or make an appeal?All refund requests, violation appeals, etc. will be handled directly through Park BCC. Click here to contact our Parking Ambassadors. For violations and appeals information, please click here.
Am I allowed to park overnight?Overnight parking is NOT permitted in Big Cottonwood Canyon from 12 am until 7 am, with an exception for early morning parking reservations at 6 am. All vehicles must be moved by 12 am or risk being ticketed or even towed at the owner's expense.